
The [NEW] Full Arch Podcast

Meet our new host, Dr. Steven Vorholt, seasoned practitioner and Senior VP of Clinical Affairs at Shared Practices Group, ushers in a new era of The Full Arch Podcast with expert insights and real-world dental solutions.

Latest Episodes


The [NEW] Full Arch Podcast

Meet our new host, Dr. Steven Vorholt, seasoned practitioner and Senior VP of Clinical Affairs at Shared Practices Group, ushers in a new era of The Full Arch Podcast with expert insights and real-world dental solutions.


This is How you Sell $20K Dentistry in Small Towns

Dr. Steven Vorholt sits down with Dr. Danny Domingue to discuss value-driven dental care in rural Lafayette, Louisiana, and how tailored educational videos and compassionate consultations can transform patient perceptions and increase access to life-changing dental care.


Should You Bring the Lab In-House?

Should your lab be in-house or outsourced? Tune in to this episode to navigate dental lab economics and discover strategic decisions that could transform your practice's bottom line.

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